Words in the Environment.

For this exercise we were split into groups of three and were given an adjective word. Our group word was ‘timid’. We had to go outside and create our word using materials in the environment and take photographs of our outcomes (bearing in mind the materials used had to correspond to our word also). To be completely honest, we didn’t like our word AT ALL, the reason being is that we felt it was quite difficult to portray the word ‘timid’ as it’s more of a personality trait and action rather than your typical adjective word, such as say ‘cold’. We felt quite restricted as apposed to other groups in our class who we thought had ‘easier’ words to work with. But we carried on regardless, starting off with just experimental pieces with bits we found in the canteen such as salt, pepper and brainstorming many ideas into our sketchbooks.

We eventually got the ball rolling and had many different ideas that we wanted to try. We wrote the word timid on the blackboard and smudged parts away, we used eraser rubbings and pencil sharpenings to spell out the word, we used someones leftover coffee and wrote out the word faintly onto paper…

We showed some of our photographs to Paul who said we were headed in the right direction, but he advised us to keep it quite subtle and not to make it look so ‘staged’. Olwen also gave us a nod telling us we were on track but to consider the way the text is written.. so far we’ve been writing the word ‘timid’ in quite chunky and bold lettering, she advised us to use a softer, thinner and more timid-like style to match our word. We took on board their advice and started taking some shots outside while the weather was nice that day.

I’m extremely pleased with what we produced. During our crit/review I was quite surprised and proud that many liked our photographs and thought it successfully matched the brief.

Timid 1  Timid 3

Timid 2

Timid 5



Timid 9

Timid 10

Timid Collage 1

Timid Collage 2

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